| 1. | I feel that counterfeits worth the money i paid 我认为我值得付钱购买冒牌商品 |
| 2. | Don ' t hesitate . it ' s really worth the money 别犹豫,这确实很划得来。 |
| 3. | Unlike the rosebud salve , this stuff is actually worth the money 跟玫瑰花蕾膏不一样,这个更值的买! |
| 4. | The performance was professional but their vcd is not worth the money 但是最好不要买那里的表演vcd 。 |
| 5. | Day 8 : this car isn ' t worth the money you paid for it 你买的这部车不值这么多钱。 (或:这部车你买贵了。 |
| 6. | But it ' s worth the money 弗里斯先生:但它值这么多钱。 |
| 7. | I ' m pissed that i ' m broke , but it was worth the money to be here 我忿忿不平,因为我一无所有了,但是能到这儿来,我真觉得很值 |
| 8. | Worth the money 这饭菜不错 |
| 9. | In its issue out this week , entertainment weekly rates top stars on whether they are worth the money 日前,美国著名娱乐杂志娱乐周刊对好莱坞数位大牌明星目前的身价是否“物有所值”做出了评估。 |
| 10. | Love , love , love this lip balm ! even better than the original rosebud salve . moisturizes and lasts long - - well worth the money 爱死它了!虽然说,比玫瑰花蕾膏贵了些。 。 。但是它的滋润和持久让我感觉物超所值! |